SAT Systems was established in 1984
Sub Aquatic Technical Systems Ltd - Gas Analysis, Monitoring and Control - Data Logging and Communications offering Diving and Hyperbaric Solutions

Wednesday, March 26, 12:32 am

Series-5 *New Range of instrumentation



The SAT-5 saturation diving monitors complement the gas analyser range by providing matching instruments to monitor pressure, temperature and humidity, oxygen partial pressure and wire length. The monitors share the same user interface and connectivity features as the analysers. Each type of monitor also offers application specific features that make them stand out from the rest.

Some of the features include:

Pressure with Rate of Change Monitor :-

  • High accuracy and resolution.
  • Auto ranging display that increases the resolution of the reading close to the surface.
  • Rate of change pressure indication.
  • Historical trend graph of pressure against time.
  • High and low pressure audio visual alarm with independent volt free contact.
  • Rapid decompression alarm with independent volt free contact that can the used to shut valves.

Temperature and Humidity Monitor :-

  • Combined temperature and humidity display.
  • Individual alarms for high and low temperature / high and low humidity.
  • Digital output sensor with built in local display of temperature and humidity.
  • Plug in replaceable pre-calibrated sensing element.

Oxygen Partial Pressure Monitor :-

  • Signal conditioned sensor with local partial pressure display.
  • Robust 2 wire 4 to 20mA loop powered connection between sensor and display.

Wire Length Counter :-

  • Works with two NPN or PNP type proximity sensors to detect sheave rotation and direction.
  • Marker allows relative measurement of bell or cursor depth.
  • Simple calibration by running out a known length of wire.
S.A.T.Systems Ltd   1 Kelly Industrial Estate, Kirk Michael, Isle of Man,  IM6 1SS