The SAT-5 range of instrumentation is designed specifically for use within saturation diving systems were they provide unparalleled features and performance. The instruments are housed in custom cases that can be either panel mounted or installed into a 19”sub-rack frame.
The SAT-5 range includes features such as:
- Colour touch screen graphical user interface.
- Auto ranging display (where appropriate).
- Historical trend graphing.
- Data logging with 12 months history and audit trail as standard.
- Fully user configurable using the touch screen with password protection of critical settings including the location label which is shown on the display and appended to the data.
- Ethernet port for connecting to a centralised data visualisation and recording system such as CDRS.
- Isolated 4-20mA analogue output that mirrors the display reading.
- Volt free relay contacts operated by the alarms.
- Built in universal mains or wide input DC power supply.
Gas Analysers
The SAT-5 gas analysers use the latest sensor technology and signal processing electronics to provide outstanding performance and value for money. All analysers in the range include; built in sample flow controller, electronic flow meter with flow failure alarm and barometrically compensated readings.
We currently offer the following gas analysers:
- Calculated Partial Pressure Oxygen Analyser :- This analyser displays the calculated oxygen partial pressure in a pressurised compartment. It uses the percentage oxygen reading from a gas sample and a pressure signal to calculate the oxygen partial pressure.
- Oxygen Analyser with Electrochemical Sensor :- This analyser uses an internally temperature compensated sensor which is then corrected for barometric pressure variations.
- Oxygen Analyser with Fluorescence Quenching Sensor :- This analyser uses a new sensor that offers many advantages including high resolution, excellent temperature stability, barometric pressure compensation and long life > 5 years.
- Oxygen Analyser with Paramagnetic Sensor :- This analyser uses a high stability, non-depleting sensor that is barometric pressure compensated.
- Carbon Dioxide :- This analyser uses a unique long-life infrared LED based sensor which is immune to degradation through helium ingress. The sensor readings are compensated for temperature and barometric pressure variations.
- Carbon Monoxide Analyser with Electrochemical Sensor :- This analyser uses a high volume four electrode sensor for increased stability and sensitivity. The sensor readings are compensated for temperature and barometric pressure variations.