SAT Systems was established in 1984
Sub Aquatic Technical Systems Ltd - Gas Analysis, Monitoring and Control - Data Logging and Communications offering Diving and Hyperbaric Solutions

Wednesday, March 26, 12:08 am

Series-5 *New Range of instrumentation



The AIR-5  range of instruments are intended for air diving operations. These instruments have been designed to provide high performance yet cost effective solutions for air diving systems. They are housed differently to the SAT-5 saturation diving analysers because they often have to cope with harsher conditions.  A number of the high end features of the SAT-5  saturation diving range are included in this product range.

  • Colour touch screen graphical user interface.
  • Auto ranging display, where appropriate.
  • Barometrically compensated readings.
  • Data logging with 12 months history and audit trail as standard.
  • RS485 data output for connecting to a centralised data visualisation and recording system such as CDRS.
  • Choice of Die cast aluminium IP 65 or 3U x 21HP panel mount enclosure.

There are ten feature packed instruments in the range:

S.A.T.Systems Ltd   1 Kelly Industrial Estate, Kirk Michael, Isle of Man,  IM6 1SS